Outlook Communicator™
Unified Communications and Call Control Within Microsoft Outlook™

With Zultys Outlook Communicator your Zultys IP phone system can be closely integrated with Microsoft Outlook™. You have full call control and can phone your contacts directly from Outlook. This product conveniently synchronizes Presence with your Outlook calendar, allowing it to be changed directly from Outlook. These features bring tighter integration between the Zultys UC platform and the Microsoft messaging platform.
Delivering Unified Communications Across Your Company’s Work Platforms
As a certified Microsoft Partner, Zultys has designed Zultys Outlook Communicator to provide Outlook users with core Unified Communications functions that operate directly and seamlessly from within the Outlook application. Zultys Outlook Communicator enables users to make, receive, transfer and disconnect calls through the Zultys Unified Communications solution as well as automatically obtain callers’ contact information in a pop-up window. Additionally, Zultys Outlook Communicator can be set-up to automatically open a Microsoft Outlook journal window at the conclusion of your call to document it.
Microsoft Outlook users can also have Zultys MX system voicemails and faxes be sent directly to their Inbox. You can drag and drop faxes, voicemails and call recordings from the MXIE voicemail panel into the Outlook Inbox to instantly attach them to messages. Enable powerful message escalation rules to guarantee that critical voicemails and faxes are always received. Additionally, synchronize your Outlook calendar with the Zultys MXIE™ Client’s Presence status to have your MXmeeting™ events appear within Outlook and generate screen pop reminders and automatic Presence status changes.
Enhanced features of Zultys Outlook Communicator are compatible with Zultys Integrated Contact Center solution. Users can log into Outlook Communicator under multiple contact center groups simultaneously. They can also choose to make outbound calls from any of the roles they are currently login as with a single click of a button.Key Features
- Call directly from Outlook with or without MXIE
- Inbound screen-pop for Outlook contacts
- Synchronization between Outlook Calendar and Presence status as well as set automatic presence changes
- Change your Presence status from within Outlook
- Drag and drop email/voicemail function opens an email session with Outlook
- Save voicemails and faxes from the MX system directly into Outlook
- Utilize powerful Message Escalation features to enhance customer service and business operations
- Outlook Journal screen pop at the conclusion of a call allows users to record key call information
- Log into multiple agent roles from Outlook and choose to make outbound calls from a specific role
The Zultys Outlook Communicator has the following requirements:
- Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP
- Requires the installation of a 32-bit of Microsoft Outlook 2007 Service Pack 2 or Outlook 2010
- The Zultys Outlook Communicator software and a valid user license
- The following MAPI providers are also supported: Microsoft Exchange 2003/2007/2010, both cached and non-cached, and PST
Outlook and Zultys for Unified Customer Communications
The Zultys Outlook Communicator unifies corporate voice communications and Microsoft Outlook into a simple, intuitive, collaborative system that boosts productivity and improves call handling and customer service.
- Make calls from directly within Outlook
- Synchronize Presence status with your Outlook calendar and change it from within Outlook
- Dial from Contact or Call log
- Record call notes through Outlook Journal
Users can execute calls and have full call control from within Outlook, change their Presence directly from Outlook as well as synchronize it with their Outlook calendar.
Use Your Zultys System with Outlook for a Complete Solution
Zultys Outlook Communicator is a standards-based thin-client application that is easy to install and use. You can integrate powerful IP telephony features, such as call control and voice, within your Microsoft Outlook system to enable your team members to stay conveniently connected regardless of their location. Zultys Outlook Communicator allows you to boost productivity and enhance customer service with the powerful Zultys UC collaboration tools like voice, video and conferencing while retaining the familiar functions and interface of Microsoft Outlook.